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Brené Brown is one of my favorite researcher-storytellers.
She defines [human] connection “as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, [are] heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
Take a moment and read that one more time. No. Really. Do it.
Seen. Heard. Valued.
Give. Receive. No judgement.
Sustenance. Strength. From relationship.
Aside from all the knowledge and skills that we want to ensure students master, I believe it is our ultimate responsibility to connect with ALL students.
This year Almond has 66 new TK/K students and 37 new students in grades 1- 6. That’s a total of 103 new children on our campus out of a total of 539. That’s 19.1%. Wow, almost 20% of our student population just joined us. One fifth!
We’ve taken some intentional steps as a school staff to ensure our newcomers build connections with peers. New students were paired with buddies during recess and lunch so that they had a friend to acclimate them to this new setting. The staff performed a skit at last Friday’s assembly to illustrate how to be inclusive by spending time with people with whom we have things in common, those who have different interests, and those who have just joined us. We will continue to be mindful of deliberate ways that we can promote a nurturing environment.
Each of these incredible young people has a parent or guardian that is also new to our community.
At Back to School Night, new parents will have a name tag with a ribbon that celebrates their arrival at our school. If you are an existing Almond family and you see a new parent, it would be WONDERFUL if you would extend a gracious welcome by introducing yourself and initiating a conversation.
Let our new families know that you see them, hear them, value them. By giving of yourself, you will receive ten fold. And, you will contribute to the incredible strength and beauty of the Almond Community.
It’s day three and we’re on our way to a fantastic school year!
A theme that we will continuously examine in the upcoming 177 days is, “Take Flight and SOAR!”
As a staff, we’ve been working tirelessly for the past three years to build the plane to personalize learning for ALL students. Now, we’re ready to take off!
Our eaglets (aka students) have been flapping their wings and getting ready for that open sky. We are excited to help them master their flight techniques so they can reach any goal on which they set their focus.
In order to ensure that we all reach great heights, we will apply some consistency to various practices at our school. Let’s start that with the behavior expectations we have for our students. Rather than having an exhaustive list of 112 rules, we’re keeping it simple and tying in our theme and mission to the messaging.
Almond Eagles SOAR!
Solve problems
Own my learning
Always make good choices
Respect myself and others
Here are some examples or methods for SOARing. We would appreciate your partnership in this effort by carving time out when you are together as a family to review these expectations.
Solve problems: speak directly to the person with whom you are experiencing a challenge, listen thoughtfully, brainstorm solutions, follow through on your agreements.
Own my learning: contribute to class discussions, ask for help when I don’t understand something, actively grow my brain by challenging myself, persevere when learning feels tough.
Always make good choices: stay in supervised areas, adhere to bell schedules, place play equipment in storage bins after recess/lunch, walk wheeled vehicles on campus, use technology as per the acceptable use agreement.
Respect myself and others: walk on campus, keep bathrooms clean, transition quietly, follow directions from ALL adults campus, make eye contact when speaking with someone, show gratitude and grace through my words (say please, thank you, etc…).
Thank you for being our co-pilots in this very important work of educating a future generation of leaders.
Did you come to the kinder and new family night back in December of 2015? Did you bring your kinder child to the kindergarten screening? Have I (Mrs. Benadom) given you a tour of Almond? Have we sat together and talked about our school? If so - you DO NOT need to come tonight to the family orientation at 6pm because you won’t learn anything that you haven’t already heard. Tonight I will share information about the Los Altos School District, specifics about the Almond prototype model to personalize learning for ALL students, nuts and bolts to help us work together as a community. You will also be welcomed by our Los Altos Education Foundation and our PTA.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL @ 7pm on the Blacktop
Students have already been asking, when is the ice cream social. It’s a fun evening activity where we gather on the blacktop and share a cone or a cup while catching up with friends we haven’t seen for a while. Be here as close to 7pm as you can because the ice cream goes fast.
Picture me, Mrs. Benadom, pleading with you to take just 15 minutes to complete this process. It allows you to become a PTA member, sign up for your Walkathon shirt, sign up for birthday book club, chorus, Bookwave, and other volunteer activities. Log in via THIS link and select the “Click Here” button at the bottom.
It has very recently come to our attention that we did not receive the Almond 5th grade standardized testing reports from the CAASPP administration last school year. After speaking with the CAASPP group, we learned that district reports are sent from the state once the state has completed scoring 90% of a school district's assessments. The Almond 5th grade reports are still being generated or tests are being scored. This is happening state-wide and does not imply that there is anything wrong or missing with Almond school. If you remember last year, reports were not sent out by the state until September.
We did receive online preliminary overall scores from the state in both ELA and Math around mid-July, which helped inform our math placement process in 6th grade. Those scores came in the simple 4,3,2,1 form you saw on your math placement letter, as opposed to the detailed 2000-3000 scores that you will receive from the state report. Your one 5th grade state report will include scores for Math, ELA, and Science.
As soon as these are received, they will be mailed home.
We are excited to share the Aftercare program options for the Fall. We have many of the old favourite programs returning as well as several new programs such as a Guitar group, Art in Math and a drama program.
THIS website has a listing of what is available. The week view is very helpful to see what is available by date.
We have all new bell times this year so programs have shifted to accommodate the later times on most days and the new early Thursdays. We are offering “two shifts” of classes on Thursdays so you can sign up your kids for one or both of the options to take them through to around 4:30pm.
We will also have flyers up about other programs in the neighbourhood such a new offering at Hidden Villa.
Lastly, a call for a few volunteer parents to help Almond offer the program called Girls on the Run Program. We need three coaches only to get this program at our School. Please contact Kylie Owen or Jennel Massey if you are interested to learn more.
HERE is the detailed schedule that you can download and print.
Transitional Kinder, M/T/W/F = 8:45am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:45am - 1:10pm*
Kindergarten, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:10pm*
Grades 1 & 2, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:35pm, Th = 8:30am - 1:20pm
Grades 3 thru 6, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:55pm, Th = 8:30am - 1:40pm
*From 8/17 – 9/9, TK and Kinder will dismiss at 12pm to allow students a transition period to full day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.
DISTRICT INFOSNAP – Online Registration
Please look for an email from with instructions about completing the InfoSnap Online Registration. It is recommended that you add to your contacts to prevent the email from going into spam folders.
LASD InfoSnap registration is not the same thing as the PTA Back to School System. You must complete BOTH.
Watch this.
Almond teachers have been working together all week this week (thank you PTA) to design instructional units with focus.
First we ask, “What do we want our students to know?”
Then we craft around that intention.
We simplify, perfect, and sometimes start over.
It is our mission to “Empower our students to own their learning in a collaborative community.”
We do not simply value WHAT they learn. We value HOW they learn it and WHY they learn it.
Our vision embodies this. We will foster engaged learners who are able to:
Our entire staff has committed to:
We look forward to an incredible year with your children, our students.
Will be emailed tomorrow, Friday, 8/12. If you happen to pop by campus next week for a visit, please keep in mind that teachers are diligently working to prepare classrooms and instruction for our students’ arrival. Thank you for respecting this time by allowing them to focus on this effort.
When we incorporated the early release day into our schedule to promote furthering our work around personalizing learning for ALL children, we made a commitment to supporting families for whom after school care may pose an insurmountable financial burden on Thursdays.
In addition, we want to also support families who will utilize after school program options that will not start until 8/25, 9/1, or 9/8.
Please complete THIS survey if you need support.
If you weren’t able to purchase the SchoolPak supplies that are arriving this week for distribution to classrooms, please check out THIS list of supplies that are requested by grade level. Thank you.
We are excited to share the Aftercare program options for the Fall. We have many of the old favourite programs returning as well as several new programs such as a Guitar group, Art in Math and a drama program.
THIS website has a listing of what is available. The week view is very helpful to see what is available by date.
We have all new bell times this year so programs have shifted to accommodate the later times on most days and the new early Thursdays. We are offering “two shifts” of classes on Thursdays so you can sign up your kids for one or both of the options to take them through to around 4:30pm.
We will also have flyers up about other programs in the neighbourhood such a new offering at Hidden Villa.
Lastly, a call for a few volunteer parents to help Almond offer the program called Girls on the Run Program. We need three coaches only to get this program at our School. Please contact Kylie Owen or Jennel Massey if you are interested to learn more.
Registration and ordering is open at this link []. The school password is “AES181”. The first ordering deadline will be midnight on Sunday, 8/14.
Yay! Almost every committee has a leader. We’re looking for two more volunteers.
Bookwave - This involves someone to manage the packets that get distributed early in the year and to organize the Bookwave evening event.
Almond Website Editor - This involves posting Mrs. Benadom’s spectacular (yup, it’s me again crafting this message) principal messages on a weekly basis and upon occasion updating other elements of the website.
Last spring, students in grades 3-6 took the statewide standardized test known as the SBAC. Our district mailed home the student reports last Thursday. As a parent (this is Mrs. Benadom typing :-)) I received the reports at home for my own children. Please keep in mind that we do value data, aka information about student learning. We also value multiple measures to ensure we get a clear picture of the whole child. We have grade level and school wide results and we are very proud of the growth that we made this year. When this data is available to the public, we will share those results and you will hear my reflections on them. As you review your individual child’s progress on this single test, please keep in mind it is one micro slice of what they were able to show they know. As a staff we will strive to ensure ALL student learn at high levels and that they are able to demonstrate this learning on this measure. We will reflect on how to best support ALL students, including those who “Did not meet,” or who “Almost met” standards. It may be necessary for us to provide some intervention to address some learning needs, or it might also be appropriate to support the child in gaining skills to demonstrate mastery on a digital assessment that checks in on learning in a particular way. We will continue to work hard as a staff to personalize the learning for ALL of our students.
HERE is the detailed schedule that you can download and print.
Transitional Kinder, M/T/W/F = 8:45am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:45am - 1:10pm*
Kindergarten, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:10pm*
Grades 1 & 2, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:35pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:20pm
Grades 3 thru 6, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:55pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:40pm
*From 8/17 – 9/9, TK and Kinder will dismiss at 12pm to allow students a transition period to full day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.
-Note that Grades K-6 start at 8:30am EVERYDAY. There was a typo on the last newsletter. My apologies.
Complete your family’s registration in the back to
Two weeks from today we kick off the 2016-17 school year!
My summer has been one laden with significant reflection. Some of the various topics included the notions of grit and perseverance. I consider myself a pretty tough cookie. I’ve run a marathon, experienced my own share of challenges...and when push comes to shove, I don’t back down from adversity.
One of our very own wonderful Almond parents shared this article with me. It reminded me that a necessary component of resilience is the ability to rest and refuel. So, for the very first time in my entire professional career, I honored my vacation and told folks that I would not be checking my email and to only contact me via text if it were urgent.
I slept a ton, read several books that took me to faraway lands, traveled internationally with my family and some dear friends, and reveled in the mundane. Seemingly tedious tasks became opportunities for quiet and meditation. I carefully made certain every strand of silk was removed from the corn I shucked for dinner. While folding laundry, I appreciated the fact that I didn’t have to wash my clothes in a stream with rocks or dry them on a line. While sitting in stillness, I sent the love in my heart to those in our country and abroad who were facing sadness through loss as a result of tragedies that took place in the past months.
This recovery period provided me with a notable sense of peace and readiness to rededicate myself to serving our students, our parents, and the Almond staff. I look forward to seeing each of you on Wednesday, August 17th.
Raquel Matteroli, a 2nd grade teacher last year, has taken on a new LASD position as Coordinator of Education 3.0. She will be heading up district wide work in regards to personalizing learning through the PLC framework. We are very excited for her and will miss her daily presence and contributions to Almond.
Sarah Johnston will be joining the 2nd grade team of teachers.
Sarah Koh has taken a teaching position in another district that is closer to her home. We wish her the very best!
We are currently in the process of hiring a 5th grade teacher for Almond.
Transitional Kindergarten: Lisa Schubert
Kindergarten: Jenny Eldridge, Leanne Kridl, Laurie Lamb
First Grade: Sarah Hall, Samantha Nguyen
Second Grade: Rachel Doblick, Sarah Johnston, Melissa Powell
Third Grade: Cassidy Dadigian, Caitlin Florek, Joann Martinez, Tammy Reilly
Fourth Grade: Annie Daggett, Kelsey Greene, Jenny Wishnack
Fifth Grade: Joe Chan, Laura Ohlund, [New Hire]
Sixth Grade: Allison Aubrey, Jessica Saretsky, Jasen Stuart
STEM Teacher: Beth Leach
PE Teachers: Mary Alber (TK/K), Doug Core (1-6)
ELD Teacher: Jessica Mountz
RSP Teacher: Diana Psyras
Speech Teacher: Julie Chen
DISTRICT INFOSNAP – Online Registration
Please look for an email from with instructions about completing the InfoSnap Online Registration. It is recommended that you add to your contacts to prevent the email from going into spam folders. LASD InfoSnap registration is not the same thing as the PTA Back to School System. You must complete BOTH.
Complete your family’s registration in the back to school system any time between August 8th and September 2nd. Log in via THIS link.
REMINDER: Almond will have an early release day every Thursday for the 2016-17 school year. This starts the first week of school and continues through our final week. HERE is the detailed schedule that you can download and print. Below is a summary of start and end times.
Transitional Kinder, M/T/W/F = 8:45am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:45am - 1:10pm*
Kindergarten, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:25pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:10pm*
Grades 1 & 2, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:35pm*, Th = 8:30am - 1:20pm
Grades 3 thru 6, M/T/W/F = 8:30am – 2:55pm*, Th = 8:45am - 1:40pm
*From 8/17 – 9/9, TK and Kinder will dismiss at 12pm to allow students a transition period to full day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.
Friday, 8/12 - Homeroom Assignment Letters
Saturday, 8/13, 10am - New Family Orientation led by PTA
Sunday, 8/14, 5pm - New Family Orientation led by PTA
Tuesday, 8/16, 10:30am - TK Bear Party
Tuesday, 8/16, 1pm - Kinder Lemonade Party
Wednesday, 8/17 - First Day of School, Back to School Coffee (8:30am)
Friday, 8/19, 6pm - New Family Orientation led by Principal
Friday, 8/19, 7pm - Back to School Ice Cream Social
8/23 & 8/24 - Pictures Days (details to follow)
Thursday, 9/1 - Back to School Night (details to follow)
Homeroom Assignment Letters will be emailed to you on Friday, August 12th.
Hot Lunch – We did find a parent volunteer to serve as the liaison and will therefore continue offering hot lunch in 2016-17. Our vendor will be Pasta Market. All entrees are in compliance with California SB12 and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) regulations, regarding portion sizes, calories, fat content, and sugar content for elementary schools. Registration and ordering will open on August 8th at this link []. The school password is “AES181”. The first ordering deadline will be midnight on Sunday, 8/14.
First Day of School & Back to School Coffee - Wednesday, August 17th, 8:30am
Once your child is in class, please join the PTA for coffee and snacks in the multi. Learn about Almond events, sign up to volunteer, and catch up with friends!
New Family Orientation - Friday, August 19th, 6:00pm – 6:45pm
All families new to Almond (kindergarten and others) are invited to join Principal Benadom and the PTA for a short presentation in the multi.
Back to School Ice Cream Social - Friday, August 19th, 7pm
All Almond families are invited to the Almond playground for FREE ice cream sundaes served by the Almond PTA.
Back to School Night – Thursday, September 1st
The time schedule will be divided by grade levels and communicated the first week of school.
Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=53999
Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2013 Los Altos School District. All rights reserved.
Greetings Almond Families and Staff,
If it doesn't shine through in my actions - you need to know that in my heart I feel incredible gratitude for the opportunity to serve each and every one of you. This has been a tremendous year. Together, we have accomplished a great deal. This could not have been possible without the hard work that our students have put into growing themselves, the commitment of every staff member, and the support of our wonderful parent community.
I'm always looking for ways to celebrate our awesomeness and here's a way to do that this year. THIS photo album holds pictures of our sixth grade "promoting" class and an end of year (taken today) picture of each classroom.
Here is the address made today to our 6th grade class. It is my sincere hope that they carry this belief in themselves with them each day ahead.
Sixth Grade Class of 2016
So - we’ve done some “power poses” this year. Yes?!?!? Well, I’d like to share with you a little bit more about why.
Each and every one of you has a story.
It started from the moment you began as embryo and continued with your first breath of air on this planet. It evolved through your years of toddlerhood and has reshaped with each passing day of elementary school. Your story has had twists and turns. Some of those have probably lead to moments of joy. Others may have involved a bit of heartache. Some might have been downright hilarious.
No two of you have the same story, and THAT is so very beautiful.
While it may be very hard to comprehend at this point in your life, your story has only just begun. If your life story were divided into chapters the length of a decade, you’re only in chapter two of a novel that will hopefully span at least 10 chapters.
To get through the journey ahead, there is one single thing that you will need most of all. A belief in yourself. You will need to trust in your abilities, in your values, in your potential. With this power of presence, you will be free to clearly see your beauty. But more importantly, you will see the beauty in others. This belief in yourself will allow you to better hear the stories of those at your sides, those in front of you, and those behind you. And because of your poise, your will create value for yourself, for others, and for this world.
So - when you have a tough moment, because there will be some...I want you to find a space somewhere where you can hold your head up high, perhaps put your fists on your hips, or throw your arms up in the air, and most of all...take a deep breath...puff up your chest with confidence and say to yourself - I am awesome. I have what it takes to get through what is around the corner. I was born perfectly. I have a great life story. I believe in ME. Now let’s show the world what I have to offer.
It has been my true pleasure and honor to know each and every one of you.
I look forward to hearing about your future chapters and know deep in my heart that each page of your story will be magnificent...because...I believe in you. Thank you for allowing for me to be part of your story.
Now - let’s do one last “power pose” together.
I hope each and every one of you has a marvelous summer. See you on Wednesday, August 17th - our first day of the 2016-17 school year.
Erika Benadom, Your Principal
I often greet students with, “I’m glad you’re here today.”
To staff I express, “Thank you for coming to work today.”
“I am so grateful for all that you do for our school,” I extend to parents.
Peers and mentors might hear, “Thank you for being you.”
I do this because I appreciate the GESTALT of what is Almond Elementary & The Los Altos School District.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines gestalt as...
: a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts
It is truly a pleasure and honor to be part of such an incredible whole.
Thank you for another wonderful year. Enjoy your summers. See you in the fall!
(Please note a correction to last week’s Thursday Word. Carol “Leamon” is retiring, not Raymond. I apologize to Carol for the error. Also, Leanne Kridl will be joining the kindergarten team, and Rachel Doblick the second grade team.)
Open House is tonight from 6pm - 7pm! This special night is treasured by our community, students, and staff. It is a celebration of the learning that has taken place in the 2015-16 school year. Students proudly share artifacts of their brilliance with their families. Some students visit their former classrooms and reminisce about what it was like when they were young ;-). The blacktop gets filled with families catching up with each other while conversations linger into the twilight hours. It is a magical night.
At 7:05pm, we will celebrate all of our parent volunteers with a pyrotechnics show. We will then distribute tokens of gratitude to each parent. Our thanks this year must go into the hands of an adult. Students WILL NOT be permitted to take the token. Intrigued?!?! Be here to find out what the mystery is all about.
As we close out this year with 9 remaining days, I would like to address some topics for the upcoming school year.
Student HOMEROOM Placement
In 2016-17 students will be heterogeneously placed into grade level HOMEROOMS. The staff has received clear guidance regarding the many factors to consider in developing balanced homerooms. As principal, I monitor each and every homeroom list and will make all final decisions regarding placement. Next year students in all grade levels will be regrouped for language arts and math every 4-6 weeks based on their learning needs. We will share homeroom placement information via email with parents the Friday before school starts in August.
Additional Information Regarding Early Release Thursdays for 2016-17
Over the past several weeks I have heard from many of you. I appreciate your thoughts and feel blessed to work in a community in which parents are heavily invested. Here are some additional reflections that I would like to convey.
Updates Regarding Staffing for the 2016-17 School Year
We thank each member that is transitioning to a new opportunity for their time and dedication here at Almond and we wish them our very best.
Teaching Roster for 2016-17
*New hires to the Los Altos School District. Their bios will be shared in August.
We are excited to see you tonight!
Much more than a sign, more significant than an Early Release day, and more profound than a visiting celebrity...
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. There is something VERY special about this community. Our children amaze me on a daily basis. They are enthusiastic about their learning; inquisitive, complex thinkers, problem solvers, opinionated, leaders. Our staff is passionate about student learning; inquisitive, complex thinkers, problem solvers, opinionated, leaders. Our parents are committed to supporting their children’s learning; inquisitive, complex thinkers, problem solvers, opinionated, leaders.
A GINORMOUS thank you to our 6th Grade Class of 2015 and to Lee Tavrow for the beautiful sign at the back of our campus that has finally been installed. You MUST walk, ride, or drive by it. It’s a work of art. A beautiful eagle, made out of mosaic tiles, has its talons clenched on the “o” in Almond and is soaring into the sky. The eagle’s majestic glory can also be seen from the back of the sign. We will be adding a bench in the coming weeks. Thank you also to Blanche Media, Laura Teksler, and David Watson for your efforts in bringing this vision to fruition. Each of you is what makes Almond an amazing community.
Last night, the following Almond/LASD staff attended the Early Release Information Meeting at 6pm: Lisa Schubert, Sarah Hall, Beth Leach, Joann Martinez, Jenny Wishnack, Kelsey Greene, Allison Aubrey, Annie Daggett, Laura Ohlund, Jasen Stuart, Kristin Clouser, and Sandra McGonagle (Assistant Superintendent of Instruction). Many other staff members had hoped to be there but couldn’t due to personal commitments with their families. Our staff is UNITED, COHESIVE, and COLLECTIVELY COMMITTED to designing learning to the edges of each and every child’s abilities and interests.
Almond and Loyola Elementary will both be piloting early release days on Thursdays for the 2016-17 school year. Both schools will have the same bell schedule. Both schools will partner with their PTA and YMCA to coordinate child care opportunities to address the early release on Thursdays. For families to whom this presents a “financial” hardship, we will have an option in place to ensure children have a safe and productive place to spend their time.
Here is the presentation from last night and the bell schedule for next year.
Finally, thank you to the Lahdesmaki Family for making it possible for Joshua Ledet to perform at our school tomorrow morning. We are so excited to have a celebrity joining the Almond’s Got Talent segment. You are ALL invited to attend.
I extent to all of you a heartfelt thank you again for your magnificence! I feel truly blessed to be part of this community.
He placed 3rd in the 11th season of American Idol. He performed for President Obama at the White House. He’s documented in Wikipedia. He is currently working on his first album. On May 20th, Joshua Ledet is coming to perform at our Friday Assembly for the Almond’s Got Talent segment.
No - it is not me dressing up in costume!!! REALLY, it’s not me. It’s the real deal.
His voice is soulful, powerful, and he can hit a “falsetto” outta the park. In this video of “Love Can Do” the lyrics embody Almond’s belief that tapping into passion and creativity are essential in the learning process. A love for children guides this staff daily. A love for learning is our ultimate goal for students. A love for a specific interest can transform “work” into what one is meant to contribute to this world.
Only one thing changes everything
Only one true cure for everything
The answer is right there
Waiting for you to choose
It doesn't cost you anything
But your world will never be the same
Take it from me cause, i'm the living proof
That's what love can do... do...
I'm the living proof
That's what love can do... do...
I'm the living proof
Parents and students, don’t miss this opportunity to hear this acclaimed music artist right on our very own Almond School blacktop and to learn a bit about his path to living his dream.
On Sunday, May 12th, we celebrate “mothers.” One does not qualify as a mother simply by giving birth to another human being. There are many amongst us who are “mothers” by other means (adoption, foster, surrogate...). You also do not have to be a female to “mother” (verb). What you do need, is to LOVE. To put the needs of another before your own. Sometimes that means you hold, cuddle, and comfort. Other times you push, step aside, watch the mistake unfold, then pick up your child and help put them back together. Mothering is not easy. While it brings with it incredible joy, at times it’s exhausting and accompanied with tears. The opportunity to mother - is a GIFT. One not to be taken for granted, nor squandered.
Let us also take a moment to reflect upon Sunday, June 19th, when we celebrate “fathers.” One does not qualify as a father for simply planting a seed. There are many amongst us who are “fathers” by other means (adoption, foster, surrogate...). You do not have to be a male to “father” (verb). What you do need, is to LOVE. To put the needs of another before your own. Sometimes that means you hold, cuddle, and comfort. Other times you push, step aside, watch the mistake unfold, then pick up your child and help put them back together. Fathering is not easy. While it brings with it incredible joy, at times it’s exhausting and accompanied with tears. The opportunity to father - is a GIFT. One not to be taken for granted, nor squandered.
Mothers and fathers typically (but not always) exist within the structure of a family. A family might include one mother and one father. It might include two mothers, or two fathers. Perhaps even one mother/father and one child... The permutations are numerous and beautiful. Families sometimes change. They can grow, or reshape. There is one single factor that defines family - L.O.V.E. Let us take the opportunity on these two Sundays to examine this love. How do we show it? How do we express it? How do we honor it? How do we keep it alive?
This beautiful song by Rachel Platten is dedicated to my two extraordinary children, Samantha and Alex. This world, and my life, are better places “since you came along.” Thank you for teaching my heart how to love in unimaginable ways. Because of you, I have a fierce love for ALL children whom I have the privilege to know. You make me better. Sunday, I will celebrate you!
Better Place
By Rachel Platten
I'll tell the world (I'll sing a song)
It's a better place since you came along
(Since you came along)
Your touch is sunlight through the trees
Your kisses are the ocean breeze
Everything's alright when you're with me
And I hold my favorite thing
I hold the love that you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong
It's a better place since you came along...
It's a better place since you came along...
I see the whole world in your eyes
It's like I've known you all my life
We just feel so right
So I pour my heart into your hands
It's like you really understand
You love the way I am
And I hold my favorite thing
I hold the happiness you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
And the sun paints the skies and the wind sings our song
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along
Now I'm alright, now I'm alright
(Everything's alright)
Cause it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along
2/21/25 9:45 PM