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April 07, 2017

April 6, 2017


  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Tuesday, 4/18 - Evening School Coffee re: Supporting Your Child’s Gender Journey (Multi, 6:30pm)
  • Friday, 4/21 - International Feast (Multi, 6pm)
  • Monday, 4/24 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 4/25
    • Grade 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
    • Almond Singers Spring Concert (Multi, 7pm)
  • Wednesday, 4/26
    • Grades 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
    • Families from China arrive in PM @ Los Altos
  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Congratulations to all students who participated in this week’s STEM expo.  Your projects were fantastic!  Thank you also to Beth Leach, Laura Ohlund, and Jasen Stuart for all of your support in organizing this event.  None of this would be possible without funding from LAEF.  Here are a couple tweets showcasing the awesomeness.  Tweet 1.  Tweet 2.

CAASPP - Grades 3 thru 6

  • Students in grades 3 - 6 will take the California Assessment for Student Performance & Progress (CAASPP) the last week of April and first two weeks of May.
  • This state assessment is ONE measure for looking at the learning growth of our students and in reflecting on the overall progress of our school.  Please support a healthy mindset around this assessment by simply encouraging students to "show what they know" by giving their best effort.
  • Our staff would be GRATEFUL if you do not schedule any appointments during your child's grade level testing time.  We are REQUIRED to ensure that every student takes this assessment.  If your child is present on the day of scheduled testing, they will take the assessment with their class in an environment with which they are familiar.  If your child is late (past 8:45am) or does not attend (obviously if they are sick - do not send them to school), they will take the test on another day in a different location and not with their teacher.
  • Finally, routine and structure are vital during these days.  Please support your child in getting a great night sleep, a nutritious breakfast, arrival to school on time, and a healthy school snack.
  • We look forward to creating the most positive environment possible for our students to perform to their greatest potential.

S.O.A.R. Celebrations
Please note the new section below repeated announcements that honors students who have been recognized for soaring.


LAEF: We need 30 more families to donate in April
We are a month way from Junior Olympics where LAEF will make its 2016-17 annual grant to LASD. With $257,180 to raise between now and then, every dollar you donate will help. Did you know that if 30 more families gave at each school, we would reach our goal? Your donation to LAEF directly benefits your child’s education THIS school year.  Please give online at or bring a check to the school office before Spring Break.


  • This year Almond has decided to raise money for materials for CHP"s Learning Academy and support the homeless in our area.   This year’s goal is to raise $2,750! Money can be donated by check, bill, and/or coins. Be sure to donate! There is a box in the office, as well as your child's room. The Student Council has also started to ask for money during school events such as the Stem Expo. The class with the most money this month will be earning a pizza party! Next month the class with he most money donated will earn an ice cream party. Almond has done such a great job of donating so far!
  • This Friday is Sports Day! Make sure your child does not bring cleats, bats, balls, or anything like that. Kids can wear clothing from any team they would like to, even if its a team they have played on.


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2016-17 Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were *not* ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to reserve your copy:
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (
  • Thanks, Fintan McCabe & Leon Yao (Yearbook Committee)



  • For many, gender has existed in a binary paradigm (male/female).  Current research expands this construct to one that is multi-faceted and rich with dimension.  The greatest gift a parent can give their child is the assurance that they will be loved for who they are.  Period.
  • Join a group of distinguished guests, Coni Cullimore (Egan Assistant Principal), Dr. Jill Hagenkord (Almond Parent), Cade Maw (Egan Student), Mark Tanner (Almond Student), Kristin Clouser (Almond School Psychologist), and more still in the works.
  • When:  Tuesday, 4/18 at 6:30pm in the Multi.


  • Our Fourth Annual INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION (formerly known as our International Feast) is just a few weeks away! Come join us in the Almond Multi-Purpose Room on Friday, April 21st between 6:00pm and 8:00pm and find out what all the talk is about!
  • Come enjoy a fun evening with our special Almond Community - just celebrating our community's diversity and friendships. And while you socialize enjoy some regional cuisines (incredible Indian food, the spectacular Hispanic food and amazing Australian Pavlova) or someone's favorite dish! Bring a dish to share - there are starters, entrées or dessert options galore and you just need to make enough for 10-12 servings.
  • WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are looking forward to the Taiko Drummers and Irish Dance Troop performances. BUT we'd love to highlight Almond's own talent - if your child (or you!) participates in a dance troop (ballet, tap, Mexican dance, bangra, the sky is the limit), instrumental troup (guitar, dhols, accordions, etc.), please consider sharing your talent with our families) Please contact Lori Sevcik ( or Marcsi Kratochwill ( to signup to perform!
  • An added feature this year is the Raffle! Earn your free raffle entry ticket by getting in the spirit and dress in some swag from your favorite country.
  • Please be on the lookout for more information, the online or hard copy sign-up sheet coming soon. In addition, please confirm your attendance on the google document here:
  • Questions or any new ideas please email Seema Chavan ( or talk to one of the ladies noted below!  
  • Either way, just come! It’s a great night to be part of our diverse Almond community.  
  • Thanks - Seema, Julie, Marcsi, Amy, Lori and Jen

PTA Almond Used Laptop Donation Drive EXTENDED
Do you have a working laptop that you don't need anymore?  We can put it into good use.  We are collaborating with a non-profit organization called Equal Opportunity Technology to provide refurbished laptops to needed students at Almond Elementary School. You may bring your working and password-disabled laptop with driver, operating system and charger (if available) to the office before spring break.  All donations are tax-deductible.  For any questions, please email Alice Lee at


  • WE have a few spots remaining for the Community Service event of the year - we hope to see both returning as well as new families at this really fun but truly giving back family oriented community service event!
  • Back by popular demand, Almond Community Services is pleased to bring back our largest hands on community service event of the year - Rise Against Hunger ( on Saturday, April 22 (10 am to noon). Last year over 85 Almond participants joined together in the Almond Multi to bag over 14,000 meals - a truly successful and memorable event.
  • We are able to bring back this hands on community service event through the generous donation of our local real estate broker (and Almond Parent) Tim Anderson of Alain Pinel Realtors. We truly appreciate Tim's generous donation, which allows us to bring a family focused community service activity, where our families (of all ages) will be able to bag 10,000 meals, to Almond.
  • Rise Against Hunger is a wonderful nonprofit organization with the mission of ending world hunger. The Rise Against Hunger event will last about 2 hours (10 am to 12 pm) and is for the entire family (last year we had kids as young as 4 years to adults helping). It's an extremely fun and hands-on event - where participants work in teams at different stations, forming an assembly line and packaging meals of healthy dry staples (including vitamins packet, soy mix, rice and dried vegetables, etc. provided by Rise Against Hunger). Staff from Rise Against Hunger will provide an overview of its program, as well as educate our families about world hunger and how the meals that will be prepared make a difference by supporting school feeding programs, orphanages, and crisis relief around the globe. You can watch a great short video to get a better idea of what the event entails.
  • Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Please email Seema Chavan at with your name, number of participants, and contact email by April 7th. In addition, if you would like to make a tax deductible donation in support of this amazing organization (thereby we can pack even more meals on the 22nd!), please send a donation through PayPal (
  • Thank you and we look forwarding to seeing you at the event!
  • Seema ( and Polly (

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Michael Ballabio, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Quinn Daniel, 4/45, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Quinn is focused during work time & strives to do his best.  Quinn also always follows directions the first time. - Rm. 10
  • Nirelle DeWitt, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Paul Gao, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Nate Gisselman, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Krisaana Gunsagar, 3/14, Owning learning, Organizing experiment test subjects for STEM Expo by crafting an email to send to all 5th grade parents. - Ms. Ohlund
  • Natalie Hiltgen, 3/30, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Is always one of our “first five” for following directions & treats everyone with kindness!
  • Kyle Hiltgen, 4/4, Owning learning.  - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Ayumi Ikeda, 4/5, Respecting self & others. Ayumi always helps others in class and on the playground.  She is caring & polite. - Rm. 10
  • Kyona Ishii, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Claire Jackson, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Salama Kuhlmann, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Luna Latko, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Maxx Mathai, 3/23, Solving problems, Respecting self and others, Helps his peers and is focused on doing his best work.  Doing an excellent job treating others with respect.
  • Alex McIntyre, 3/30, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others...consistently for a whole week.
  • Elyse Pollman, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Olivia Quino, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Nisha Sanjeevan, 3/29, Respecting self and others.
  • Vivaan Seghal, 3/30, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Julia Seryakova, 3/27, Always making good choices.
  • Alina Stern, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Tyler Vaughn, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Helena Waibel, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Zachary Wang, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)


[None at this time.]


Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.

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