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October 13, 2016


  • 10/11 thru 10/15 - Scholastic Book Fair
  • Thursday, 10/13 - Minimum Day (Dismissal at 12:15pm)
  • Saturday, 10/15 - Almond Walkathon
  • Wednesday, 10/26 - PTA General Meeting (Multi, 8:30am)
  • Friday, 10/28 - Halloween Carnival (Blacktop, 3:30pm)
  • Friday, 11/11 - Holiday (NO SCHOOL)




  • The Walkathon is only 2 days away and we are ready to bring the sunshine to Almond!
  • Our goal this year is to reach 100% participation. Whether that means registering online and walking your very best on Saturday or registering a donation for any amount that works for your family — we are encouraged by your support. Free online registration is available here and we strongly encourage everyone to register BEFORE Friday morning in order to reach our goal!
  • Walkathon shirts went home and we are excited to see everyone in their Walkathon shirts on Friday for our annual Walkathon Spirit Day and again on Saturday to show our school pride.

THE WALKATHON SILENT AUCTION is also in full swing!

  • We have many great donations from our generous families and local businesses, including adult and kids events and camps, professional services, travel and many more!  Visit the online catalog to learn about what will be available for bidding, and come ready to bid or sign-up on Saturday!

A few friendly reminders for the day:

  • Walkathon hours are from 9:30am - 3:00pm HOWEVER everyone is encouraged to attend during a time that works best for their family.
  • Walkathon Silent Auction hours are 9:30am - 1:00pm.
  • On Saturday please ensure your walker has on their Walkathon shirt, hat or sunscreen, a water bottle with their name on it, walking shoes and brings an adult as this is not a drop off event.
  • Registration opens at 9:00am and Mrs. Benadom will kick off the first lap at 9:30am
  • When you arrive please check in at the registration tables to pick up the official 2016 Walkathon lap card.
  • Tickets will be sold throughout the day to purchase food and drinks. We are offering espresso, muffins and Jamba Juice in the morning followed by pizza, Mexican cuisine, ice cream, and fresh baked sweets for lunch.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
Barbara Daniels and Suzanne Jensen (Walkathon Co-Chairs) and Darren Crawford (Walkathon Silent Auction Chair)

The carnival is run by student and parent volunteers - Please contact Wendy McDowell ( to volunteer.  We especially need volunteers for the set up and clean up crews.

Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest.  Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28.  They will be on display all day.  Ribbons and Prizes (provided by SUGAR BABY SWEET SHOPPE in Downtown Los Altos) will be awarded for "Scariest" "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above).  Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival.  Pumpkins should be picked up and taken home on your way home from the carnival.  For more information contact:  Lesley Sehnert at

Project Cornerstone ABC Reading

  • The Project Cornerstone/ABC Reader book of the month is My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig, the story of how a girl named Katie bullies her close friend Monica and makes her feel unwelcome and isolated from her friends. Common examples of this kind of relational bullying include “under the radar” actions like the silent treatment, intimidation, rumors, humiliation, gossiping, teasing, exclusion, and manipulation. These behaviors are often devastating to a child’s self-esteem and their sense of social belonging. Students will learn strategies to deal with this type of bullying, including:  Identifying supportive people in their life.  Getting an ally when they need help and support. Using positive self-talk to increase their personal power. Understanding friendship boosters and busters.
  • The Kindergarteners are reading Join In and Play by Cheri Meiners, M.Ed. This book teachers children how to play - what the rules are, how to get along, how to be a good sport, and how to cooperate. It also talks about being a good friend, how to make a friend, and how to play together.
  • Sixth graders are reading and discussed the introduction and first chapter from Middle School Confidential by Annie Fox, M.Ed. The lesson this month focused on learning to distinguish between friends: "real vs. the other kind" and discussing what to do when a friendship isn't working out.
  • For more information about the ABC Program, see our section [] on the Almond website or contact Jen Walker, Julie Watson, or Mona ElNaggar

LAEF:  $37,380 to go to meet LAEF’s $100,000 Challenge Match by 10/31
The time is counting down to get your donation matched by the LAEF Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to a total of $100,000! Special thanks to the 78 families who made their first donation OR increased their donation during our phonathon. It’s not too late to double your gift and help fund district-wide enrichment teachers and program staff in addition to smaller classes in K-3 and 7-8. To learn more, pledge or donate at

LAEF:  Have you checked out the LAEF Annual Report 2015/16?
Learn more about the amazing difference our community of supporters made in the well-rounded education of our students’ last year. Check it out at Thank you!  Annual Report 2015/16 Link:


  • This is the last week of Almond Community Services Gently Used and New Stuffed Toy Collection Drive with the drive ending on October 15th. We wanted to thank all those that have donated to the drive (its been an amazing success!) with the stuffed toys all being donated to a good cause and finding well cherished homes.
  • If you have not had a chance to and would like to donate, please consider donating GENTLY USED or NEW stuffed animals to Almond Community Service's collection drive benefiting Good News Bears ( Good News Bears' mission is to provide teddy bears/stuffed animals to hurt, traumatized, or abused children as well as adults.
  • We are collecting stuffed animals (not just teddy bears!) from small “mini beanie baby” up to about 24” size stuffed animals. How to decide if the stuffed animal is good enough to donate? Think of what you would give your child – if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for Good News Bears! Couple of requests: Plush toys only, Stuffed Animals should be in good shape and Non-smoking home.
  • We have a collection box in the office marked with "Good News Bears." If you have any questions, please contact Seema Chavan ( or Polly Liu (

Community Service Event - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (back by popular demand)!
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week at the food pantry - it was great to see our families hard at work helping others on a Thursday afternoon!  Since we had families on the waitlist, we’re adding another event!  Please join us to help fill Emergency Food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food Pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community.  Limited spots available - First come, first served. 
When:                       Thursday, November 3rd, 3:30-4:30pm 
Where:                      Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP:                       Email Polly ( with # of people attending 
Deadline to RSVP:    Tuesday, October 25
NOTE:                       Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.




  • Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 23, 2017.  LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! Our students compete in the middle school (grades 6-8) division for awards and prizes in multiple areas of study.  LASD students have won prizes in prior years, and gained valuable experience with science, engineering and project management.  Winners of the Synopsys Championship compete in the California State Science Fair and may advance to the prestigious Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, which presents nearly $4 million in prizes and scholarships each year.
  • Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16, 3:30 - 4:00 pm, Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
  • For more information, see the 2017 Synopsys Championship website at
  • Questions?  Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at


  • Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum.  You'll form a team to compete to solve a real-world problem in this annual design challenge.  This year's challenge is “Rock the Ravine:” Your team will design and build a device to help explorers cross an ice field with multiple ravines. Tech Challenge projects build skills in problem solving, time management, creativity, and teamwork, while working through the engineering design cycle as you build and test your design.  Most importantly--it's great fun!!!
  • Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16, 4:30 - 5:00pm, Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
  • The event day will be April 29, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 30 for grades 7 and 8.  
  • For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at
  • Questions?  Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at

The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is and HERE is the link for registering.



MVLA PARENT EDUCATION - Parenting with Presence: Raising Confident and Caring Kids by Susan Stiffelman
“Our children can be our greatest teachers…” Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman will talk about how the behaviors that push our buttons can help us build awareness, allowing us to raise our children with ease and enjoyment. With stories and practical advice, Susan will teach us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children and teens.

SELPA 1 CAC Coffee Talk - Special Education 101

  • Spanish Language Session, Tuesday Oct. 18, 7 PM - 9 PM, Castro Elementary 505 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View, Multipurpose Room
  • English Language Session, Wednesday Oct. 19, 7 PM - 9 PM, Santa Rita Elementary, 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, Multipurpose Room
  • No matter what type of disability your child may have, this training will offer a brief overview of the educational rights of parents when a child has a disability. Understanding your rights will help you participate and improve your child's education. Topics will include general education supports, student study team meetings, Section 504, special education referral and assessment timeline, eligibility, and important key rights held by the parent and child.

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