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When one flitters by, it always catches my attention whether it is a nondescript Cabbage White or a striking Monarch. I adore butterflies. Today’s Thursday Word is inspired by Austin’s Butterfly, which happens to be a Tiger Swallowtail.
Austin is a 1st grade student who is faced with a learning objective to create an accurate scientific drawing of a butterfly. He is supported in this effort by a “critique group” comprised of his peers. His fellow 1st graders provide Austin with honest, precise advice that is split between the shape of the butterfly and its wing pattern. He begins his first attempt with, “Okay, I’ll go try,” and gains confidence which increases his momentum through visible progress towards his goal. This meaningful feedback is delivered in a nonjudgemental, very specific manner that motivates Austin to complete 6 drafts that result in a beautiful final rendition. Austin and his peers embody the growth mindset at its very best.
In the coming weeks you will be hearing more about the difference between traditional grading (% scores, # correct over total #, A-F, etc...) and LASD’s work towards standards-based grading (mastery rubric of 1-4). As information begins to flow, do not let the change from letters and scores to a descriptive rubric cloud the underlying value of this paradigm shift. Do not permit your comfort level with what once was, and the discomfort that naturally surfaces with a new approach, interfere with your ability to see the end result we’re working towards.
How can we provide students with better feedback about their learning to improve their growth?
This essential question is at the heart of this transformation, the rest is just noise.
3/9/25 7:48 AM