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It is a hoot to double as a parent and principal during the first week of school!
My favorite parent tidbit was Alex’s revelation that her teacher this year is really strict. When I asked her the source of this conclusion, she remarked, “When she tells us not to talk, she REALLY means that we’re not supposed to talk. Like, not say anything.” After Back to School Night earlier this evening, she asked, “Did you see what I mean mom?”
We had such a blast talking on the way home about all the different types of personalities that will certainly be encountered throughout their lives. Chris and I reminisced about some memorable bosses and peers and reflected on the need to be able to interact and productively engage with all sorts of different perspectives. I have a feeling this is going to be a year full of great stories from my two squirts.
On the principal front, it’s truly been a joy to reconnect with our Almond children and to meet all the new faces. They are so full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. It feeds my soul and reminds me of all that is good in this world.
I’ve watched friends who were apart all summer join in play on the blacktop. Stick City and Dirt City are already being planned. One student even shared that she devised some laws that she typed up to help govern these worlds so that they don’t get shut down again this year. (If you have no idea about what I’m talking because you just joined our community...just you wait.)
And, I had my own revelation today while walking around campus at recess and lunch. Something felt different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, so I kept walking about, observing, and then it hit me. You see, this is only my 4th year as a principal, 3rd year at Almond, so I am just now learning the rhythm. The girls who always played on the kickball court two years ago weren’t there, and the group of 6th grade boys that played basketball each and every day last year were also not there. I shifted my gaze and rather than looking for what I had expected, I breathed in and looked at what was there.
Now there’s a whole group of boys who have organized soccer, and all of a sudden the lower basketball courts are in play. There were students swinging to their heart’s content on the swings because they are now 3rd graders and have access to that play structure. First graders who were in their own separate area last year are exploring every crevice of the the bigger play area. The wonder and amazement in their faces is so very endearing.
Welcome back everyone! We’re only two days in and it’s already a marvelous year!!!
3/9/25 7:29 AM