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April 17, 2015

STUDENT CLASSROOM PLACEMENT: In May, I will guide staff in the process of creating new 2015-16 balanced classes.  I personally review each and every class list, along with its balance grid, and make final decisions about placement.  In this process some of the factors we consider are:

  • Distribution of students from 2014-15 class into the upcoming year’s class
  • Number of girls/boys
  • Balance of accelerated, typical and struggling learners
  • Count of special populations (English Learners, Student w/Disabilties, 504, etc…)
  • Adequate amount of active parent volunteers


We hold a strong, unwavering philosophy that all teachers at Almond school are responsible to meet the needs of all children who enter their classroom.  All teachers receive the training and support to teach students with all different learning styles.

I believe you trust us and that you also want to do everything possible to ensure your child lands in the right spot.  While I appreciate and empathize with this desire, please know that I cannot honor 554 (current student count) requests for a particular teacher for next year, nor to be placed with a particular set of children, or to be separated from a specific crew.  I cannot be fair and just with such a task and it is my goal as your school leader to treat each family with the utmost integrity.


Some of you will still feel compelled to share your preferences.  Please do not address such requests to teachers.  They have been guided to redirect you to me via either an email or a hard copy letter.  My acceptance of this information is not an assurance that it will be granted.  Instead, the commitment I make to every family in the Almond community is that we will undergo a thoughtful, deliberate process at crafting balanced classes for the upcoming school year to ensure the learning of ALL children is maximized.


Finally, each year there are staffing changes where we bid farewell to some, welcome others to our campus, and some teachers teach different grade levels from one year to the next. Much is still in flux and will not be solidified until the end of the year.  As the year ends, I will send out the tentative staff roster to our community.


SBAC TESTING FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 3-6: Thank you again for helping us maintain a healthy mindset around the upcoming standardized assessments by reinforcing the message for our students to simply, “give their best effort”.  Teachers have been practicing how to log in, given students opportunities to experience this new testing environment, and have been teaching to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) which are what the assessment measures.  Below is the schedule.  Please further support your child by maintaining your bedtime and morning routines during these days so that they arrive as school ready to “give their best effort.”

  • Tuesday, April 21, 8:30am-10am, ELA CAT Session 1
  • Tuesday, April 21, 10:30-12pm, ELA CAT Session 2
  • Wednesday, April 22, 8:30am-10am, ELA PT Classroom Activity
  • Wednesday, April 22, 10:30-12pm, ELA PT Computer Session 1
  • Thursday, April 22, 8:30-10pm, ELA PT Computer Session 2
  • 4/23 & 4/27, Make Ups
  • Tuesday, April 28, 8:30am-10am, MATH CAT Session 1
  • Tuesday, April 28, 10:30-12pm, MATH CAT Session 2
  • Wednesday, April 29, 8:30am-10am, MATH PT Classroom Activity
  • Wednesday, April 29, 10:30-12pm, MATH PT Computer Session 1
  • Thursday, April 30, 8:30-10pm, MATH PT Computer Session 2
  • 5/1-5/8 , Make Ups
  • 5/12 & 5/13, CST Science Test for 5th Graders Only (paper/pencil)

CAT = Computer Adaptive Test

PT = Performance Task (still on the computer)

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