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One of the many things that separates humans from other animals is our propensity to express what manifests in our brains or emotions. This expression takes many different forms: the spoken word, artistic creations, musical compositions, written feats, and more. We are a species that wants to share our thoughts, stories, and memories - each of these contributing to the unique voice within every being. No two of us have lived the same life. No two of us have an identical story. No two of us see the world in the same way. These distinct perspectives contribute to the complex beauty of our world.
My preferred form of expression is writing. It has taken many years to develop my voice and it’s still taking shape. It certainly helped that my dad tortured :-), I mean tantalized, my sister and I on a daily basis with beautiful words that he would include in his poems. In fact, while visiting him last week he asked me if I knew the meaning of “tintinnabulation” and then proceeded to tease me with a phrase he used to toss my way when I was little, “I cccaaaannnnn’ttttt believe you don’t know what ______ means.”
Over the years, I have found that writing is much more than aggregating words on a page with the proper grammar and syntax. Instead, it’s all about that VOICE*! Whether you are creating art, composing music, or writing - the core message is what matters most. There is incredible value inside each one of us and once we learn to listen to that worth...that voice - the output is often remarkable.
At times this voice can be undermined by our own doubts. What if no one likes what I say? What if I can’t make money being true to my voice? What if no one even listens? This is where our authentic self needs to stand tall. Your story is vital to this world. Your song must be sung. Your art will make this Earth more beautiful. Allow your voice to come through because without it, this life would not be extraordinary.
On Tuesday, December 9th, the Almond PTA will host a writer’s workshop with author Jennifer Hartvickson in the multi at 6:30pm. The Bookwave is an Almond tradition in which students create published works. It is not just about imprinting a child’s writing in a book’s about honoring a child’s voice. It’s about giving their story value. We look forward to seeing you at this event.
*This phrase inspired by Megan Trainor’s song, “All about that bass.”
3/9/25 7:38 AM