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August 6, 2014
Greetings Almond Families,
Have any of you yet experienced Summer’s Paradox? Summer’s what?
In early June, we were all counting the days for summer to commence. School playmates were striking every nerve of irritability with their dearest friends. The saintly patience of teachers embracing the uniqueness of each child began to be tested. Families had grown weary with the morning routine of being at school by a certain hour and yearned to begin summer travels and live in the spontaneity of the moment.
Summer arrived!
I hope yours have been filled with relaxation, adventure, time with family, healing, and all that your hearts desired.
In spite of all the fun our family enjoyed, last Friday, as I listened to my daughters negotiate (alright – it was actually downright bickering) how to get the paddle board back to shore, what they essentially were screaming was, “PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back the structure that we said goodbye to almost 2 months ago. WHEN DOES SCHOOL START?"
Something tells me that my kids are not the only ones who might be feeling this way…and I have a sneaking suspicion there might be some parents who are counting the days until August 20th, our first day of school.
During this summer, the Almond campus has been anything but quiet. We…
In the final weeks we will be resurfacing our blacktop and adding some initial striping for our basketball and volleyball courts, wall balls, kickball and four square. The legacy yellow line that has segregated lower and upper grade students will be no longer. Instead, we will utilize color to still provide some protected spaces for our littler Eagles. This project will be completed in phases so that we thoughtfully lay out the remaining spaces.
When I joined the Almond Community a year ago, my excitement originated from the reputation of the school and district. This year, I am ecstatic to traverse a path with you where I have some insight into what’s around each corner. Having laid strong roots together as a staff and community last year, we intend to allow those roots to further develop and grow deeper. The bloom that we are striving for is our LASD #1 goal:
I have every confidence in our unwavering commitment to support each child in identifying and developing his/her SUPERPOWERS to succeed in life’s incredible journey.
Below are some details to get our year off to a successful start.
*From 8/20 – 9/12, TK and Kinder will dismiss at 12pm to allow students a transition period to full day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.
We are still in search of a librarian and a literacy aide for grades 1 & 2. If you are interested, or know of anyone who might be interested, please let me know.
DISTRICT INFOSNAP – Online Registration
Please look for an email from with instructions about completing the InfoSnap Online Registration. It is recommended that you add to your contacts to prevent the email from going into spam folders.
LASD InfoSnap registration is not the same thing as the PTA Back to School System. You must complete BOTH.
Complete your family’s registration in the back to school system any time between August 5th and September 3rd. Log in via this link, The password for the back to school system is “greatkids2014” (do not type the quotation marks).
If you do not have Internet access or require help with your registration, computer assistance will be available in the school library between 8:15am and 9:30am from August 21st – 22nd.
Hot Lunch – Our vendor will be Pasta Market. All entrees are in compliance with California SB12 and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) regulations, regarding portion sizes, calories, fat content, and sugar content for elementary schools. Registration and ordering will open on August 11th at this link []. The school password is “AES181”. The first ordering deadline will be midnight on Sunday, 8/17.
Teacher Assignment Letters will be mailed to your homes on Friday, August 15th.
First Day of School & Back to School Coffee - Wednesday, August 20th, 8:30am. Once your child is in class, please join the PTA for coffee and snacks in the multi. Learn about Almond events, sign up to volunteer, and catch up with friends!
New Family Orientation - Friday, August 22nd, 5:45pm – 6:45pm. All families new to Almond (kindergarten and others) are invited to join Principal Benadom and the PTA for a short presentation in the multi.
Back to School Ice Cream Social - Friday, August 22nd, 7pm. All Almond families are invited to the Almond playground for FREE ice cream sundaes served by the Almond PTA.
Back to School Night – Tuesday, August 26th. The time schedule will be divided by grade levels and communicated the first week of school.
Enjoy the remainder of summer, and I’ll see you all on August 20th!
Best regards,
Erika Benadom
Almond Elementary Principal
3/13/25 11:07 PM