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At last night’s Book Wave Blast, first grader Kyle asked author Mac Barnett, “How do you get a publisher?” Those who know Kyle, understand the seriousness of his question. This seven year old already has a plan to publish and there is no doubt in my mind that we will all be able to read his words in formal print in the coming years.
Mac Barnett shared with the Almond students that perseverance and persistence is required to become a published author. He delivered a humorous account about some of the responses he most certainly received upon asking for publishers to share his work with the world, “no,” “please do the children of the United States, and Canada, a favor and don’t write anymore children’s books,” “I don’t think so,” etc… I am elated that Simon & Schuster published Battle Bunny because it’s a creative story that my children adore! And that’s just one of his 15 published works.
What a powerful message! Believe in yourself and have the endurance to stick with your goal until you make it happen.
Endurance – the conviction to not give up. This virtue is one that resonates deeply with me each spring. As I admire the buds blossoming in trees, the strength of flowers that have pushed their way through inches of tough soil to share their beauty with us, and listen to the songs of birds chirping…I am reminded that they endured a long tough winter and are celebrating this accomplishment.
We too have much to celebrate at Almond. It is hard to believe that only 8 weeks remain in this 2013-14 school year. When I reflect on the children that I met in August and those that I greet today, I am awed by their growth. Not only have they literally grown taller, but their brains are stronger, and they have matured by leaps and bounds.
In the coming weeks, 4th – 6th grade students will have the opportunity to showcase their physical and mental stamina at the Junior Olympics. I am beyond thrilled to watch our Almond athletes shine and apply their will to championing various challenges.
As we progress together through these last two months in this school year, I look forward to the many ways that we, as a community, will support our staying power. I have no doubt that we will finish stronger than we started because this is an amazing community that expects great things. Welcome back!!!
1/27/25 11:01 AM