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May 28, 2018

May 24, 2018


  • Thursday, 5/24
    • Open House
      • Class Visits, 6pm - 7pm
      • Volunteer Appreciation from Staff on Blacktop, 7:05pm - 7:15pm
  • Friday, 5/25
    • Superhero Spirit Day
    • Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 5/28, Holiday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, 5/29, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Wednesday, 5/30, 4th Grade Instrument Quest (5pm - 7pm, Covington Multi)
  • Thursday, 5/31
    • Introduction of Principal Matteroli to Students @ Morning Assembly
    • School Coffee following assembly in Multi to Welcome Principal Matteroli
  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


This week our PTA honored parent volunteers who gave given a tremendous amount of their time to make Almond the extraordinary place that it is.  Here is a document that lists the service of many.  Thank you to all.  (Please forgive us if we missed anyone.)

While so very many support in countless ways, there are 10 individuals to whom I would like to express personal gratitude.  These people shoulder great responsibility by taking on PTA Board Member roles which entail an ongoing offering of service throughout the year.  It has been a blessing to work alongside each of you.

PTA 2017-18 Board:  President – Rachel Harnish, VP/Secretary – Marcsi Elovson, Treasurer – Lori Sevcik, VP of Communications – Amy Mendenhall, Historian – Tammy Reilly, Parliamentarian – Jon Meyer, VP of Technology - Wayne Crosby, VP of Membership - Alix Apfelberg, Financial Secretary - Michelle Park, Auditor - Darren Crawford.

At this time, I’d also like to highlight two parents, one current Almond parent, and one former:  Jennifer Walker and Julie Watson.  These two amazing women were celebrated by the country Project Cornerstone organization for their above and beyond dedication to the social emotional learning of our children.  Thank you for giving so much of yourselves.

There are many of you who might not have appeared on a list yet you have made Almond School a welcoming, wonderful place because of your giving and compassionate hearts.  Join us at 7:05pm on the blacktop after Open House classroom visits so that we may gift you a token of gratitude.



  • We can’t wait for superhero day tomorrow! We can’t wait to see everyone in their super outfits!
  • We are very excited to tell you our last spirit day of the year is…HOMEROOM CHALLENGE! This means that your class individually will get to choose your own spirit day! It's going be so fun to see everyone in their amazing ideas from their homeroom. Our last spirit day will be on Wednesday, June 6th!

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  Our heap of clothes became so large we needed to get creative with how to showcase these missing items.  Here is a video and our latest tactic.  Come by and check out whether any of these ownerless clothes are yours.  Next week they’re getting packaged up and shipped to GoodWill.

LAEF:  Help us raise the final $175K to fully fund programs at your school this year. A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference! It's not too late to donate or apply for a corporate match. Donate now.

Collect – BoxTop4education coupons are on the packaging of hundreds of grocery products that you might use every day. When the PTA sends them in, Almond collects money.  You can help by cutting off and collecting BoxTops and turn in to the Office! Some BoxTop products: Cheerios, Annie’s products, Gogurt, Green Giant veggies, Ziploc, Hefty, SCOTT and much more!

This is the LAST REMINDER to order the 2017-18 Almond Yearbook!  
(Yearbooks were **not** ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)  There are 2 easy ways to purchase your copy:

  1. Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link
  2. Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms are available in the school office.

Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your copy now!
Email Leon with any questions (


  • Magical Bridge is so appreciative of our efforts towards raising funds for Magical Bridge Playground in Mountain View's Rengstorff Park!! So far, our school district community has raised a total of $2,450 in online donations alone!
  • We would love to see these numbers go up, so keep spreading the word on our coin drives.  Every coin counts!
  • Almond has specifically raised $700 via 3 donors!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  Here’s the link to donate more.

SELPA 1 CAC for Special Education has a lot of ideas for the future, and we need your help! We would like to know what events and programs you would like to see for the future. We also plan on a Life Skill workshop on time, money and home management, and we would like you to tell us more about what you would like to see in this workshop. Please take a few minutes to fill out the short surveys below, and be sure to share them with others!
Events and Programs survey:

Life Skills Management Workshop survey:



  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, May 31! Hi Almond Parents. If you are interested to find out what 8th grade will look like for your children, here is a great volunteer opportunity. The Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for Egan's 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work.This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents from LASD, community members, and leaders to volunteer as interviewers.The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school. Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience. Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer Sign Up. Sign up with a friend! You can note in your sign up that you want to be paired with a specific interviewer. Questions?  Contact Natasha Stirrup at

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ayda Chaffee, 5/21/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully for all of music class! :-)
  • Carys Chiu, 5/22/18, Owning learning. Carys works hard in class and makes fantastic connections between what she learns in class, reads during independent time, and experiences in life. Mr. Stuart & Ms. Aubrey
  • Ryan Ghasemfar, 5/22/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Ryan is working hard and focusing to finish his work on time!
  • Krish Grover, 5/21/18, Respecting self and others. Listening respectfully during music! :-)
  • Jonathan Hu, 5/21/18, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. You have mastered your presentation skills. You have also learned how to collaborate will with others. Way to grow! :-)
  • Isabelle Hwang, 5/22/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Isabell consistently makes good choices. She is focused and dedicated to learning. She produces high quality work and inspires those around her to do the same. Mr. Stuart & Ms. Aubrey
  • Tabs Lee, 5/21/18, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. Thank you for being kind and helping others. You are owning your learning by persevering when something is difficult for you. Way to grow! :)
  • Ethan Ling, 5/21/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Respecting self and others. You have been making better choices in class when collaborating with others. Way to grow! :-)
  • Nate Mauss, 5/21/18, Owning learning. You are owning your learning by getting all your work in on time. Way to grow! :-)
  • Angel Oregon, 5/22/17, Owning learning. You've  made HUGE growth on your iReady Math scores!
  • Emily Palma, 5/17/18, Owning learning. 76 points of growth on iReady Reading!
  • Fiona Tang, 5/22/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Fiona is dedicated to learning and demonstrates a strong work ethic. She challenges herself every day and asks questions when she doesn't understand. Mr. Stuart & Ms. Aubrey
  • Hayden Taylor, 5/21/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Your mindset towards reading has now adjusted to a growth mindset. Way to grow! :-)
  • Sabrina Yen-Ko, 5/22/18, Owning learning. Sabrina is fully engaged in class, and asks critical questions. She truly owns her learning and seeks a deep understanding of lessons. Mr. Stuart & Ms. Aubrey

[None at this time.]

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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